Sunday, April 25, 2010

Saya nk kurus! Nak kurus! Nak kurus!!!

Wow! look at the Heading! i'm not sure whether it's impossible or not but wat i'll do is work for it and hopefully i can c the result soon! just give me few months to put down some kilos and the target is to reduce 15kgs..yes, positive!!! ahakssss..i tried so many things before, cutting my eating habits as sumtimes, dun say sumtimes la..'most of the time' is the correct word (ahakss) i hardly control my apetite..dats y my bf sumtimes keep laughing at me! ahaaaa..but dis time, gonna make it..seriously! i knew i can do it, its just dat im tooooooo lazy to go for excersise..i went for slimming, sauna and etc but no continuous efforts! So now, lets see ape yg i buat smlm smpai blk2 letih, sakit kaki & badan2 smua & sampai x sempat nk update my blog..hehehe..

Morning akak kjutkan kids..diorg happy sgt le igt nk pegi jln2 (act mmg betul pn nk pegi 'jln') hahaha..) just wait n c no, angels! Mama nk keep fit so u olls kne le 'bkorban' utk i went to Youth Park..well, actually im regular there but then lately was quite bz so x de masa sgt nk pegi (act malas tp x nk le ckp malas kan! hehe..alasan, alasan..) morning2 dh rmai sgt i jogged n jln2 kt padang bout 4 rounds (by 2 rounds my angels dh penat n minta nasi! ahaksss..cian diorg) i asked them to stop & duduk kt bench while i finished lg 2 rounds..yesssss..berjaya akhirnye!!!! peluh bjurai2 (act rase best kluar peluh ni but kdg2 mmg le malas nk gerak body kan! hehe) then kids dh mrungut minta bw ke tmpat pmainan..the best thing about dis Youth Park is tempat ni mmg sesuai utk the whole family members kire cam all-in-1..while the adult is exercising, kids bole main2 kt cni..

 (gambar ni akak amik dari sbb tlupa nak amik gambor kt entrance Youth Park tu)

kat cni le akak jogged smlm pdgnye luas gak..kengkadang org buat main bola, so kire besor le..dpt 4 rounds pusing so tau2 je la camane bpeluhnye kan!

kimi & kakak punye turn pulak 'melepas geram' kt mama dia..hehehe..(after main & penat minta nasi le..ape lg..hehehehe)

for those yg suke jungle trekking tu, kt cni ade trail utk yg gemarkan aktiviti yg lebih lasak & penuh kesabaran..hehehe..yg ni akak kureng le sket! hehehe..

lepas berjogging akak guna out-door fitness equipment utk lower part body..hehehe..(pssssttt..akak ade masalah kt lower part kne focus kt ctu lebih le)

emmm..gambar ni sesaje je akak masukkan skali sbb mane le tau sesape yg blum pnah ke sini so tempat ni mmg le sesuai utk the whole family dtg pagi2 or petang2 dgn suasananye yg 'fresh and green'

tgh bpeluh n slekeh gile2 ni but rase lega & akak nk balik dah time ni..nampak x pebezaannye?? hehehe..yg kurus nye for sure 'rambut' le (bak kata my 2nd boss..hehehe)
Smlm tgh bjoging2 tetibe je cik abg sms tanye yg "dh kurus ke??" ..hehehe..soalan cepu yg nk kne cepuk tu! ok, fine..x pe2 akak trus jwb, well u look n c later & dun b jealous kalau i kurus, u pulak jgn risau ye..hehehe..(dia x kasi guna short cut act akak mmg nk pegi slimming but katanye smua tu kjap dats y i chose this way, bole sihat kan badan anyway!) and  here map utk sasape yg nak bkunjung ke Youth Park ni, so sile ooooo sile...

map ke Youth Park/Taman Belia Perbandaran Pulau Pinang
Harini kejap lagi rase dah tau ape aktiviti yg nk dibuat kejap lagi..well, will update u olls & for sure kire aktiviti sihat le skrg, c u olls next time in my next post, InsyaAllah..tata titi tutu...wsalam!


Ken Wooi said...

i also wanna lose weight! =)

Dewi Batrishya said...

Huhu.. You go momma! xP
Good Luck!!

Unknown said...

Badan kita dah kurus... so skrg nie nak maintain je =)

emma said...

haha...kita nak kurus gak! XD

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