Wednesday, April 28, 2010

ohhhh tidak!!! akak kne TAG dgn Dak AIE!!!

oohhhh akak telah di TAG!!! 

Rule 1 #
1. go to your photo files, select the 8th photo folder

Alamak!!! dari Personal Collection aku!! memandangkan akak sporting so akak layan jek la..hehehe..

2. select the 8th photo from the folder

hehehe..gambor ni mengingatkan akak pd 'dia'! hehehe..storynye..jap gi kte gi bab yg sterusnye..

3. post along with the story behind it

gambor ni akak amek time moroyan perasan adik bradik almari sbb br je amik contact lens baru le snap2 le gambor..pueh2 pose sane cni..yg melambaknye cam kurang comei so gambor ni kire terpaling comei le jgk walaupun dh mmg comei..akak nk menunjuk kat 'dia yg mata akak pn cokelat mcm 'dia''..ahakss (sape lg nk puji kalo bkan akak! tp kengkadg tu pakwe akak slalu puji gak-emmm bodek kot) ahakksss!!!

4. then challenge 8 blogging friends to do the same
Ha!!!!! part ni yg akak suke..dlm kepala hotak mmg dh set nk tag sume nama2 kt bwh ni..hehehe..bior padan muko..hehehehe..
1. captain88 (sbb ko captain so ko kne jg kepala rombongan-ahakss!!)
2.  nourul
3. ellis kacak
4. MR. yaZoO
5. inumatin
6. Blues Riders
7. ady
8. stoberycicahracon

***pueh ati akak..kalo boleh nk boh smua skali..bior pdn muka limit 8 jek..ngeh ngeh ngeh..
Rule No 2 #
pick both the right and the left photo of your eight photo from that folder

 Ni rightnyer..

Ni leftnye..



mizz nuni said...

kene tag lagi..
makasih ye tag nourul..
nnt nourul sahut cbrn tag ni..^_^

nich said...

akak.. muke akak macam anak mami la..
hehehe mata yang besar..
chantek dah tak yah susah2 nak make up kasi mata nampak besar kan kak..

lovelylady - シングルママ said...

hehehe..Alhamdulillah..mata besor ok, tp bdn pn turut mbesor tu yg x besh tu..hehehehe..

world music