Tuesday, April 27, 2010

contoh ayat2 mengorat zaman IT!!

ehem..ade yg ckp blum ade jodoh walaupun umur dh nk dekat2 senja..so, sbelum trus masuk isya', akak kt cni nk bagi tips2 yg akak google smate2 utk tulun kengkawan yg katanye x pndai2 mengorat..zaman skrg ni org dh x guna 'taktik lama' contohnye bile dok kt stesyen bas buat2 tanye jam pukul brape sbb dh tentu kt stesyen bas tu bukan awek/mamat tu sorg je yg pkai jam! 
Silap2 awek/mamat tu x jwb tp nyah yg bdiri kt sbelah pulak tlebih prihatin..ahaksss!! br tau! So, ayatnye akak dh kasi, blk praktis hafal n cari yg mane bkenan & bole try le ayat yg akak list kt bwh ni..untung2 dpt ngorat minah@mat saleh sbb yg akak kasi ni smua omputeh..hehehe..jgn le pulak tsilap ayat kang x pasal2 ade yg kne mkn penyapu..hehehe..tapi buat sesape yg tlebih pndai 'mengayat' tu, dah x yah le lagi..(dah mmg sedia maklum dgn bakat tpendam awk tu!) ;)   

·        Did you fart? Because you blew me away

·        Do you have any raisins? No? How about a date?

·        Are you smoking? (No!) Oh, yes you are!

·        I know I'm not a grocery item but I can tell when you're checking me ou

·        Were you arrested earlier? It's gotta be illegal to look that good.

·        Do you know what'd look good on you? Me.

·        It's not my fault I fell in love. You are the one that tripped me.

·        There's just one thing your eyes haven't told me yet.... you're name.

·        You can fall off a building, you can fall out a tree, but baby, the best way to fall is in love with me.

·        I have never had a dream come true until the day that I met you.

·        Do you have a Band-aid? Because I just scraped my knee falling for you.

·        If you were the new burger at McDonalds you would be the McGorgeous!

      pssstttt..so kalau dh bjaya ngorat tu, akak x minta pengeras, cuma jgn lupa jemput akak mkn kenduri je..hehehehe..

(dicedok dari funny-pickup-lines.com)


Frodo Baggins said...

ayat yg meleps. keh3x


mR.yaZoO® said...

hahhaha。。 nnti den try la.. haha~

world music